Advertising & Research Pieces
I have taken many classes at James Madison University that have allowed me to learn all the ins and outs of advertising! Below are some of my projects I have grown from!
Advertising to a Specific Subculture- GAP Adaptive Clothing Re-do
In my Media Arts and Design class, Kennedy Argo, Sophia Smith, and I worked together to rebrand and recreate GAPs “Everyone Belongs” Adaptive clothing campaign. The subculture we chose was to advertise to millenial parents who have younger male children in need of adaptive clothing. First, we analyzed two already created advertisements, then made our own with a creative brief.
Research, Design, and Advertising an UX Design Application
For this project, I decided to conduct research and create an app and advertisements based off of how to find and support locally owned businesses in the nearby Harrisonburg areas for college students, just like myself! The first 4 images are the interface I created for the application. Below the model for the application screens, I showcased the research I conducted around campus and summarized my findings.
Compilation Portfolio of Classwork- Elements of Creative Advertising
During my time in SMAD 342, my group and I had a series of tasks to complete throughout five assignments. These assignments included many requirements and creating advertisements for locally owned businesses in the state of Virginia. We compiled all creative briefs, advertisements, rationales, and sketches in a portfolio on Wix. Browse our work!